Church Starting & Renewal
innovative efforts toward disciple making movements
resulting in reproducing churches
- Personal Preparation -
Church Starter Cohorts
Church starters will participate in a multi-month cohort designed to assist the church starter before beginning a new church. Preparation will first focus on the church starter himself and then on the steps to begin the church. Each cohort will begin and end the process together as a peer learning group.
Church Starter Assessment
You will receive an assessment, which involves a conversation designed to discover strengths, skills and talents, which results in a written document used to help build a comprehensive plan for success.
Church Starter Reviews
You will have regular quarterly assessments to help church you move forward in the process of successfully fulfilling the strategy plan of seeing a new church form.
Church Starting Center
You will receive a comprehensive one-year cohort training opportunity, which involves coaching, administration, leader development, and master plan development.
You will work with certified coaches who follow ICF guidelines to help church starters discover the God-empowered directions and solutions which help their churches thrive.
You will implement the best practices that capture uniqueness as you work with church start consultants.
Care & Connection
You are provided with opportunities to connect with other leaders in small groups in order to build relationships of encouragement.
Introduction to Church Planting
This multi-week course is a study of the essential principles for starting and multiplying churches resulting in the establishment of vibrant, reproducing churches.
Models of Church Planting
This multi-week course is an advanced course in church planting, with the goal of integrating biblical, missiological, sociological, and anthropological insights to the task of church planting.
4 x 4 Evangelism Training
Need a boost in your church evangelism? This two-phase church-wide evangelistic endeavor involving the four components of Identify, Intercede, Invest, and Invite.