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SABA Prays
Fostering 24/7 church-wide prayer for our communities

SABA Prays is a collaborative effort among our churches to join in 24/7 prayer for every day each month for every community in which a SABA church is located. One church chooses one day a month to pray. Collectively our churches cover the month in 24/7 prayer for our communities.

Our churches are made up of different ethnic groups, they speak different languages and they worship in different cultural expressions. They are rural, urban, suburban, and inner city. We celebrate God's diversity among us.

Our motto is : one mission, many expressions. Our collective prayer effort encourages each congregation to indigenously express itself in prayer for the Christ-centered transformation of our communities.

Our communities, our state, our nation, and our world are in desperate need of another Christ-centered spiritual awakening. Will you partner with us to cover every community in 24/7 prayer each month? Will you and your church stand in the gap for our communities?


Our Schedule

saba prays feb 19 2023.jpg

February 19, 2023
Adult & Youth Event
Host - Lackland BC
2718 Frontier Dr. SA, TX 78227
5 pm to 6:30 pm


March 26, 2023
Adult & Youth Event
Host - Madison Hills BC
15413 O'Connor Rd, SA, TX 78247

5:00 pm to 6:30 pm

saba adult & youth event feb 19 2023 (7 × 7 in).jpg

Our Mission

Every congregation a house of prayer


Our Vision

Our vision is to unite all of our SABA churches, as well as any other church, in congregational 24/7 prayer one day (24 hours) or one-half day (12 hours) each month for a Christ-centered spiritual awakening in our communities.

Acts 6:4 "But we will devote ourselves to prayer . . . "


Our Call

Our call is to devote ourselves to congregation-wide prayer for our communities.

Acts 1:14 "All these were continually devoting themselves

with one mind to prayer."


Our Process


Individual Churches - The great thing about our strategy is that there is little to no financial cost to participate. Every church can participate regardless of size, heart language, ethnic group, home culture, annual budget, leadership structure, worship style, history or location. Every congregation has direct access to God's throne of grace - Hebrews 4:14-16.


Every church can follow the process in the graphic below to launch a day-of-prayer. Our goal is to develop a congregation-wide culture of prayer. Every congregation organizes itself in order to collectively pray on a selected day (24 hours) or half-day (12 hours). Participants pray while at work, home, school or wherever they

might be during their chosen prayer time.


Sign Up

Sign up by calling 201.525.9954

Our Gathering

We gather once a quarter in order for churches to pray together collectively. Each prayer gathering will be organized by SBA leadership with pastors and church leaders leading us in collective prayer.

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Our Commitment

Each church commits to select one day (24 hours) or one half-day (12 hours) a month and cover their chosen time slot in prayer. Each church prays the same day of the month (1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.) or the same day of the week (3rd Tuesday, 2nd Friday, etc.).


Each church commits to recruit enough people to cover their selected day or half-day. Participants pray their assigned 30-60 minutes while at work, home, or
they might be during their chosen prayer time.


Our Strategy

Our strategy is easy and very reproducible. It is based on every congregation being a house of prayer - Isaiah 56:7 "For My house will be called a house of prayer for all the peoples." We want to encourage every congregation to create a culture of prayer among God's people. Many churches are power-less because they are

prayer-less. We are asking God the change our current realty.


  • local church based . . . . spiritually builds up the local church

  • pastor led . . . . encourages proper spiritual leadership in prayer

  • reproducible . . . . can be replicated over and over

  • sustainable . . . . is a resilient model for any persecution environment



Call our office:  201.525.9954


5807 IH-10W, San Antonio TX, 78201


(210) 525-9954


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