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Kingdom Expansion
- engaging in God-led relationships globally -
- Training -
Introduction to Missiology
This church-wide multi-week study is an introduction to the theory and practice of Christian missions including biblical, theological, historical, philosophical, and strategic principles and practices. The course examines how God’s message of salvation is communicated in specific socio-cultural settings. Practical application of the course content will be examined in light of the challenge of clearly communicating the gospel in diverse cultural settings.

Missionary Anthropology
This church-wide multi-week study is an introduction to the field of anthropology and how it relates to those engaged in cross-cultural ministry. The course seeks to introduce students to the concept of culture and culture change. The missionary’s role in culture change is considered and strategies for realizing the culture of people among whom he or she will serve. Recommended for those who are considering either North American or International missions.
4 x 4 Evangelism Training
This is a two-phase church-wide endeavor. First, the church hosts a one-hour training on the four components of the method, which are Identify, Intercede, Invest, and Invite. Second, the congregation hosts a church-wide gathering in which each person selected in the 4 x 4 process is invited to hear a Gospel presentation. Churches have used this simple method to see many people come to faith in Christ.
The Power of Story
A study of the use of Bible stories to communicate the Gospel message with people who are primary oral communicators. Primary oral communicator may or may not know how to read but prefer to learn in an oral method. Special attention is given to selecting, adapting, and telling Bible stories chronologically with a view to evangelizing, discipling, training, and starting churches among adherents of non-Christian belief systems in this country and throughout the world.
Missionary Training Institute
This on-going training process is organized into five phases: Phase One – Biblical Theology; Phase Two – Worldview Research and Documentation; Phase Three – Strategy Plan Formation; Phase Four – Implementation; Phase Five – Evaluation. In each phase, participants will work through a process beginning with the initial engagement of the target group or population segment and ending with the starting on reproducing churches. This decades old, proven Great Commission training originated with the International Mission Board.
- Global Connections -

VBA exists to give every person in India “ONE FAIR CHANCE” to respond to the gospel of Jesus Christ, to make disciples of the Christian believers, to build a core of Christian leaders, and extend the ministry values and influence of Jesus Christ. God is giving VBA the harvest and the Ministry is growing by leaps and bounds is to reach people from all walks of life. In spite of the obstacles and persecution, people are hungry for the word of God in India.
Website Link

STM has been providing inspiration and help around the world for nearly 50 years. Sammy Tippit, founder and president, is a world renowned counselor, teacher and evangelist with experience serving and helping people in over 80 countries.
Website Link
The IAM vision is to see local churches unite to plant churches in areas where there is no representation of the gospel in the Peruvian Amazon Jungle. With the help of US churches, IAM has reached many with the Gospel (including the Maijuna Tribe), trained pastors and church leaders, and planted new churches.

International Marion Baptist Association
IMBA is led by Pastor Rainfredo Lozano and is a Baptist Association made up of over 22+ churches in the Philippines. He spearheads the evangelistic and discipleship efforts of his and other churches. In January 2023, Pastor Rainfredo and area churches started their own local Baptist Association. The pictures below are of their recent activities in their communities.
Connect International Movement exists to : develop, staff, and sustain a digital church platform to engage, establish intentional, intimate relationships, and evangelize/disciple participants to create a digital Family of Faith that compliments the local Church exemplifying the visible presence of Jesus. CIM has a global expression weekly.
North America Arabic Pastors Network
The NAAPN is headquartered out of San Antonio, Texas but connects with Arabic Pastors across the United States. This Network of Arabic Pastors and churches is only 3 years old and has already made a huge impact among this affinity group.

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