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Leader Development Team

- we invest in those who invest in others -

It has been stated that everything rises and falls on leadership.  This statement is partially true. The term ‘leadership development’ is a broad term referring to an environment, attitude or climate of leadership philosophy. Leadership development is the creation of an environment that promotes the overall learning of skills and knowledge to grow and organization. This is a broad understanding of leadership.

We make a distinction between the leader and his or her style of leadership. Our primary focus is the development, progress, and improvement of the leader individually. We seek to give attention to his or her personal and spiritual growth as an individual follower of Christ. Such growth will influence his or her ‘style of leadership.’ 

The development of current and emerging leaders is a vital ministry in today's church context.  Leader development is any activity that invests in the development of an individual leader while enhancing the quality of leadership overall.  

Our biblical mandate is . . . . "so the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work." 2 Timothy 3:17

There are 3 general observations that can be made about the development of a leader:

  • God develops a leader over a lifetime.  An effective leader is one who not only has a vision for his church, but is learning the new skills that are needed to lead the church into the future.

  • God uses people, circumstances and ministry assignments to shape the life of a leader.  Romans 8:28

  • Leadership plateau is often indicative of a developmental need or growth issue within a leader's life.  Effective leaders maintain a learning posture throughout their life.

 - Personal Development -


Do you feel that you are not reaching your full potential as a leader? Do you believe God has more for you? Let a trained life coach help you overcome limitations in your personal life and work.

Legacy Leadership

The unique aspect of Legacy Leadership is that the model does not focus on the legacies leaders leave at death or departure from an organization, but rather the legacy one makes  every day in the lives of others he or she leads. L.L. embeds 5 Leader Best Practices into the behaviors of leaders that will transform organization culture and impart legendary influence.


Transitional Pastor Certification          

Churches in periods without pastors need experienced, sanctified, and wise leadership. Their needs are unique and challenging; their leadership must be uniquely qualified and willing to accept difficult challenges. Become a certified Transitional Pastor and help a church, without a pastor, prepare for the next pastor.

LifePlan Paterson 

Paterson LifePlan is a facilitated journey that helps you discover your unique purpose. Along the way, you’ll gain clarity on where you are, where you want to be, and the key next steps to get there. LifePlan is a road map for your life.

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The Younique Experience releases the power of the identity God created in you. Other life planning methods have self-assessment; Younique has self-discovery. Others have goal setting; Younique has skill-building. Others have master teachers; Younique has master tools. A day lived from your calling is a step on the road toward your dream job or a retirement given to what matters most. It’s a day that your activities advance the most important goals in every area of your life.

- Church & Organization Development -

Organizational Leadership Coaching

OLC is a great resource for several coach training opportunities.

  1. The Coaching Clinic is a two-day introduction to coaching to impact the workplace culture & train leaders to use a coach approach to leadership.

  2. The Core Essentials Fast Track is the first step  in coaching certification. This six-day course prepares one for the ICF ACC.

  3. Mentor Coaching is for those seeking ICF Certification and Internal Coaches who lead coach education and training programs.

  4. Organizational Strategy Planning moves organizations into the future from vision development to vision accomplishment.

Church Unique

Church Unique is a multi-month visioning process to help churches develop a stunningly unique model of ministry that leads to redemptive movement. CU guides churches away from an internal focus to emphasize participation in their community and surrounding culture. CU offers an approach for rethinking what it means to lead with clarity as a visionary. Each church has a culture that reflects its particular values, thoughts, attitudes, and actions and shows how church leaders can unlock their church's individual DNA and unleash their congregation's one-of-a-kind potential.


God Dreams 

Your are a visionary leader and your church probably has a vision statement. Yet most churches are stuck in a trap of generic communication without a vionary plan. Just like a restaurant needs a more specific focus than "serving food," a church needs something more than biblical generalizations like "loving God, loving people" or "making disciples who make disciples." God Dreams reveals a simple and powerful planning method that will bring energy and focus to your church like never before.

Next Level Leadership  

Have you discovered the Leadership Wheel? This one-day workshop will explain the Leadership Wheel.  This basic tool examines the six key elements of a healthy functioning team approach. This is a great tool to evaluate how your team (elders, deacons, church counsel, etc.) is functioning. This is a valuable yet simple tool for any church or organization.


Conflict Mediation 

Would you like to develop your skills in this area? Do you have a passion to help provide a process to bring healing to individuals and churches? Get equipped to provide a vital ministry in our toxic world.

Or does your church need someone to mediate the current internal conflict? There are individuals who are trained to help being healing. Let us know how we can help you.

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